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Collegedale Academy

Collegedale Academy


Collegedale Academy


Anastasia Schober

Anastasia Schober, Editor-In-Chief

My name is Anastasia Schober, and I am the Echolier Editor-in-Chief. I am a junior at Collegedale Academy, and this is my third year participating in Echolier. I enjoy writing research topics, poetry, creative writing stories, and journalistic pieces.

I first joined Echolier because I love writing and it’s one of my many passions. To me, writing has a way of expressing itself through words, when someone or something can’t be described out loud. I believe writing is one of the most beautiful things in life, because when you can’t explain to someone how you feel;  writing something out or expressing your imagination on paper can help you appreciate the importance of words. 

I also love sports and going to the beach. The beach is one of my favorite spots in the world, since I grew up around the beach and city until I moved here halfway through 8th grade. I am involved in a lot of activities at CA such as being in band office, track, percussion ensemble, yearbook, cross country, basketball, NHS, scholars program, NAHS, aspiring teachers association, and Echolier.

All content by Anastasia Schober