Super Bowl LI predictions


Madison Reinschmidt, writer

Hope Hunnicutt, sophomore: “I don’t watch football but the snacks are great. Whoever has the better uniforms, that’s who I’m rooting for.”

Mason Hobbs, sophomore: “It’s completely obvious the Falcons will destroy the Deflatriots.”

Olivia Perry, sophomore: “The Falcons’ slogan says it all: ‘In brotherhood we rise.’”

Kelly Schwarzer, junior: “Patriots are gonna win. Tom Brady is clutch, I love him so much.”

Garrett Howe, senior: “It should be the Cowboys in the Super Bowl, but my prediction is that Atlanta will pull in with a close victory.”

Tre Smith, sophomore: “The patriots are going to win 24 to 13. It’s obvious.”

Kurt Kuhlman, senior: “I don’t really care who wins but, it will be a pretty good game.”

Kaylin Chung, junior: “I don’t know much about football, but I’m hoping the Falcons will win because they haven’t won in a long time.”