Sydney Davis: 2016-2017 Senate President


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Mia Ford, writer

In the recent weeks, a new Senate President has been selected along with a group of ready and willing leaders to guide CA into a better and brighter tomorrow.

Senior Sydney Davis, filling the important role of president, will also be supported by Vice President (and fellow senior) Garrett Howe.

Davis states that she strives this year to “make more of a difference in the school and make the school better for future students that will come to CA.”

With her optimistic attitude, as she embarks on this adventure she states, “I feel like it will be a fun task and challenge to try and conquer.”

Davis predicts that some of the main topics of the 2016-2017 school year will include phones, jackets, jewelry (specifically earrings), and letting people from different schools come to CA banquets.

“When it all comes down to it, it all depends on what we get in the suggestion box and what we’re willing as a senate to talk about, and consciously knowing what can and cannot be passed.”

Davis concludes by saying, “It’s kind of interesting to see how much of a change . . . from last year happens, to see how it can evolve into something where we talk more about it to make our school’s atmosphere better.”