Mr. Beasley teaches in Taiwan about Jesus


Abby Hansen, writer

Mr. Beasley spent September 1-11, 2016, speaking to audiences in Taipei, Taiwan.

Originally, Beasley was supposed to give a week of prayer to kids in grades one through eight, but the interest in his talk grew until he was speaking to high schoolers, at a hospital, and at a church.

“It was supposed to be five talks, then I lost count after forty,” Beasley said.

Beasley’s talks centered around scientific evidence for God as well as his personal testimony of becoming a Christian after growing up atheist. This made him an excellent person for his audience because, though the schools he spoke at are Adventist institutions, most of the students were either atheists, evolutionists, or devil-worshippers.

Mr. Beasley also held morning devotions for the faculty, and during these worships they would pray that even just one student would come to know God.

Toward the end of the week, Beasley found himself engaged in a two-hour long conversation with the student he believes the faculty were praying for. He asked the student, “On a scale of one to ten, where are you with God?” By the end of the conversation, the student had changed from being a one and not even believing God existed to being a nine.

“God was moving so quickly and so powerfully that whole week,” Beasley said.