Caring Hearts


Liz Sinigaglio, Editor-in-Chief

With the state of the world right now, it is clear that everyone needs a little love. But has anyone
taken action? The answer is yes!

Stella Bradley, English and composition teacher at Collegedale Academy (CA) in Tennessee, has
introduced “Caring Hearts” to her classes. Since so many people of all ages have been
hospitalized due to COVID-19, Mrs. Bradley thought that maybe her students could do
something for those in treatment and recovery. She remembered that when her dad was getting
chemotherapy in Nashville years ago, the hospital had a basket from the local public school which was filled with small, stuffed hearts that could be easily held in one hand. “He took one, and it meant a lot to him,” said Mrs. Bradley. “He actually ended up dying of kidney cancer, but in honor of him I’ve kept that tradition going for probably 10 years.”

As of January 2021, two Caring Hearts craft sessions have been organized for CA students in order to create as many soft fabric plushies as possible. People of all ages can simply grasp the
little heart, give it a squeeze, and feel a little bit of relief.

Caring hearts are extremely easy to make! Anyone—with or without sewing experience—can
help out by completing this simple craft. In order to make one, just sew together two pieces of heart-shaped fabric, leaving a medium-sized opening along one of the straight lower edges of the heart. Then insert plenty of soft stuffing material into the opening and sew it closed with needle and thread to make a complete heart plushie.

It’s encouraging to see CA students participating in such a kind activity. In these dark times, a
little love goes a long way.