10 Things Students Don’t Know About Their Teachers: Mr. Sinigaglio


Carolina Smith, Writer

  1. He was born in Wilmington, Delaware, but lived in New Jersey. 
  2. One of his favorite childhood memories involved his family driving through Canada and a giant black bear coming right up to their car window when he was ten. 
  3. He enjoys Pop music, especially Katy Perry. 
  4. Playing strategy board games is one of his favorite hobbies, and he was the 2002 Star Wars The Queen’s Gambit world champion.
  5. His favorite Star Wars movie has to be Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back but he loves Darth Maul in the prequels. 
  6. Rome is his favorite place he has traveled to, and he especially enjoyed the Colosseum.
  7.  One of the most distinct memories he has from high school was when he asked a girl out to a banquet and she turned him down, which took him six months to recover from. Ten years later she asked him out and they went on a date. 
  8. The reason science interests him is because he loves understanding how the world works. As much as he loves a good miracle, a scientific explanation is also cool. 
  9. His go-to order at Taco Bell is a bean burrito and a potato taco, but he enjoys most of the menu. 
  10. His proudest accomplishment was teaching a student that struggled in geometry, who went on to graduate college with a math degree. She thanks his teaching for her success.