Deserted Island: Choose one book for life


Madison Reinschmidt, writer


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one” (George R. R. Martin).

What book would you take to a deserted island: an encyclopedia to teach you how to survive, or a book to entertain yourself?

When asked what book they would take to a deserted island, this is how CA students answered:

Colin Killmer, sophomore: “The Lord of the Rings Trilogy; best books I’ve ever read. I’ve read them like 14 times.”

Fynlee Schober, sophomore: “An encyclopedia so I can know what is edible . . . Or I could just eat coconuts, I guess. But if I would bring my favorite it would be Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.”

Olivia Perry, sophomore: “Hunger Games Trilogy: so I know how to survive.”

Kelsey Perez, junior: “I would bring a crossword puzzle so that I can keep my mind active and so I won’t get depressed.”

Lillian Gensolin, senior: “How to Build a Raft or Surviving on a Deserted Island for Dummies.”

Brandon Bell, senior: “A dictionary: to tell if something is poisonous or not.”