Spring Break Staycation Ideas


Image via Pexels by Mateusz Dach

Madelyn Johnson, Writer

If you are staying home over the break and don’t know what you are going to do, the Echolier team has made a list of fun activities for you. 

  • Get 8+ hours of sleep

During the school week it may be hard or impossible even to get enough sleep but taking the time to catch up on sleep is amazing. 

  • Hunter Museum

The Hunter Museum of American Art is a great place to gather inspiration or just go for fun. 

  • Walking/Hiking

Coolidge Park, Biology Trails, Walnut St. Bridge are just a few of the many places you can go for outdoor activities.

  • Make dinner with friends

Have a fun evening with your friends or a significant other making dinner with each other. 

  • Spring Cleaning 

I know we’ve all been avoiding it but is there actually ever going to be a better time?

  • Sunset/Sunrise picnics 

Sunset plus a picnic. Enough said. 

  • Try new foods 

Try a food you haven’t tried before. Who knows? You may find a new favorite.

  • Take time for yourself

With everything being so busy all the time it might be hard to find time to relax but over break try to find time to do a mini spa or journal or listen to your favorite music.