Devotional: Peace in His Presence


Sarah Andrews, Staff Writer

The world we live in moves at a very fast pace. In school; tests, homework, and projects pile up quickly, and when you add extracurriculars, work, sports, and a social life, there isn’t much time left. It’s extremely easy to get swept up into a hectic pattern. However, we can look to God for comfort when we’re overwhelmed with all of our responsibilities.

In Luke chapter 10, we see two opposites as sisters: both Mary and Martha prepare for Jesus’s visit. Martha reflects a lot of us, worried about making sure everything is prepared right. Even with the Messiah in her home, she was distracted by her duties. 

Contrast this with Mary, who sat at Jesus’s feet and listened to him speak. Instead of trying to make everything perfect, she simply took a moment to pay attention to the Lord.

Luke 10: 41-42 says, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

While distractions can grab our attention, God offers us a chance to rest. At the end of a busy day, we can let go of our problems and relax in his grace. Mary knew that this was far more important than earthly tasks. So, whenever you’re stressed; take a moment to find peace in his presence.