Poem: Truth


White Candle by Pixabay via Pexels

Anaya Parker, Writer

You close your eyes

And cover your ears

To not hear the truth

That rings so clear


You don’t like the subject

So you have no respect

And you won’t hear

About what happens here


In your very own country

The one you hold so high

Even in your city

There is much you pass by


“It’s not my problem!”

You say very solemn

You move on and forget

Since you aren’t at threat


You say your opinions

Then close your ears

So not to hear the things

That may be said by peers


You listen to the news

But only the one with your views

You don’t do the research

Then just sit on your perch


Stop your talk and listen

For you don’t know

The words you say

You just add to the woe


Show that you care

Send up a prayer

Join together strong

We can right the wrong


So finally stand up

We have the chance

We can do something

Time to take a stance!