For CA Golf 2020, Coronavirus is Par for the Course


Image by Tyler Hendy via Pexels

Liz Sinigaglio, Editor-in-Chief

What have you heard about golf? Perhaps you’ve heard students getting congratulated in chapel for their advances on the CA golf team, but that’s probably all. Considering sports events this year have been heavily affected by CoronaVirus, it is quite the marvel that golf could continue as easily as it did. In actuality, 2020 golf has probably been CA’s most eventful sport. 

The CA golf team, run by our very own Principal Baldwin, consists of both a girls and guys team. The girls team is actually the first one since 2014, with two teammates, Isha Desai and Emery Hughes, slaying the competition. The boys team consists of eight members: Morgan Baldwin, Roy Yoon, Tyler Dunkel, Jason Lee, Tanner Griggs, Michael Guild, Gavin Marr, and Ryan Yoon. Notable events include their CA Annual Tournament, District Playoff, and Regional Playoff. 

A main reason these fantastic players were able to keep up with their sport during the pandemic was because not many restrictions were installed for each game. Where sports like volleyball and basketball had to lose a bunch of their fanbase due to indoor playing fields and social distancing, golf takes place outside, and has smaller audiences due to the size of the course, so their attendance numbers were not as dramatically affected. Instead, their cuts came in the form of inconvenience (flagpoles had to be left in the golf holes, causing the ball to pop out) and less companionable gaming (players were not allowed to shake hands at the round’s end). With only these minor cuts, golf could still thrive.

One player in particular is quite iconic within this already stand-up sport. Senior Isha Desai had been the only girl playing golf up until this year, making her part of a one woman team until Emery joined in 2020. Isha went through this golf season with a great record, coming in second place in both the district and regional playoffs.

Both Isha and another player, Morgan Baldwin, have truly knocked out the competition by not only getting repeatedly high scores, but also qualifying for the State Tournament. 

When talking about the whole of the season, as well as its players, Principal Baldwin said, “This is a great group with a lot of potential for the future!” Clearly, with as many talented players as there are, they can continue to do an amazing job.

While CA golf might not have been on your radar, it certainly should have been. The dedication of its players is admirable amidst the pandemic. Despite the effects of CoronaVirus, they continued to play their sport to the best of their ability. Golf shows some of CA’s students at their finest.