Make God #1

Isabelle Reinschmidt, Writer

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33 NIV

How often do you feel that your daily tasks are being put before your relationship with God? Personally, this is a continuous struggle for me. As the new school year begins, each of our lives seems to get busier and more hectic as the days go on.

Whether it be because of homework, sports, relationships, or any other activity, it seems that we tend to start focusing more on the less important things in life. We get so caught up in our daily struggles and trials, that we often forget to put Him as number one in our lives. Jesus longs to have a strong and meaningful relationship with every single one of us, but it is ultimately up to us to make that happen.

The most valuable thing we can have is a close walk with Jesus, and we need to make time for Him daily. Seeking God’s righteousness, mercy, and unfailing love should be our first priority this school year and for the rest of our lives.

When I think about this, it reminds me of Mary and Martha. In Luke 10: 41-42 Jesus says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. Only a few things are important, even just one. Mary has chosen the good thing. It will not be taken away from her.” (NLV)  We should try our best to be like Mary and focus on putting our time with God first. I challenge you to set aside time every day to just focus on getting to know Him better.