Echolier Eats: Mrs. Howell’s Vegetarian Meatballs


Madison Reinschmidt, writer

“This is one of my favorite meals for many reasons. It was first introduced to me after the birth of my son, Ryan, when several friends brought food to celebrate and show their care for our newest addition. Gaylene Hansen (Micah Hansen’s mom – Ryan’s classmate) shared this meal and recipe with us. I have made these meatballs for many occasions – meals for friends that are in need of support, parties with finger foods, potlucks and meals with friends. They are often well received (with requests for the recipe!). A gift from a friend has brought years of joy and full tummies!” – Mrs. Howell


1 – 20oz can of vegeburger

2C walnuts or pecans or 1 can pecan meal

1½ C Italian-style bread crumbs

1t garlic powder

1T soy sauce

3-4 eggs beaten (Mrs. Howell uses 2 eggs and 2 egg whites)

½C shredded cheese (mozzarella or cheddar)


Form into balls. Place on baking sheet. Bake at 350 for 30 min. Yields approx. 35 bite-sized meatballs.

These can be cooked well ahead of time and frozen for later use.

Sweet Red Sauce

(Meatballs can be used with any preferred sauce. The recipe below is for serving over rice)

Equal amounts of the following usually ¾C – 1C


-Sugar (brown or white)


Cover cooked and slightly cooled meatballs (or thawed) with sauce in a casserole-type dish where the sauce covers the meatballs.