Let’s let God wake us up


Devin Vaudreuil, writer

We all have had that alarm that wakes us up from the first decent sleep we’ve had in ages. After all, we are high schoolers. I got so tired of waking up to a high-pitched, digital cacophony of beeping. There is a better way to wake up. Let God wake you up.

God challenged me, through another person, to turn off all my alarms, and for one morning at least, to ask Him and have the faith that He would wake me up.

The guy who challenged me said he did it one day, fifteen years ago, and hasn’t used an alarm since, not even for irregular mornings like having to catch a flight. So I tried it. Thursday morning a few weeks ago was the first morning, and I can tell you that it was the most refreshing feeling in the world. You know how when someone gently helps you to your feet, it’s very easy and not sporadic? Well, that’s what it felt like. It was very gentle. One moment I was asleep, the next I was awake and rested, all without the blaring alarm. The rest of the morning was smooth and routine, I had plenty of time for devotion and homework, eating breakfast and getting out the door five minutes early.

I did it again the next day, and woke up one hour late. I know, right? Like, come on God, I don’t understand. I spent all day questioning God why he didn’t wake me up. I discovered why. It was almost as if He were asking me “Will you still spend time with me even though you had to study, and you have to choose one or the other now?” Another quote came to mind. God doesn’t have to explain anything to us, period. So I decided that even though it seemed like He failed me (He didn’t), I would put my faith in Him the next morning. Every morning since, I’ve woken up with plenty of time to finish what I need to do, and I feel peaceful and relaxed the rest of the day.

What do you put your faith in?