Civil Independence: 1781

Christian Beasley, guest writer

Part 1

The alluring, cinnamon hair of Clarity Barnett seized not only the golden rays of the Virginian sun but also the vacant heart of Jonas Kincaide. Of course her seductive hair was not the only reason Jonas contained a deep desire for her. In fact, it was the minute details about her that captured him. For instance, her delicate smile that always appeared when the words chocolate, dandelion, or appaloosa were mentioned. However, the characteristic that truly enthralled Jonas was her cherubic personality. Indeed, Clarity Barnet’s angelic nature caught the attention of many handsome boys.

Although Jonas contained a profound desire for the beautiful maiden, he hardly spoke to her. Most of the conversations he held with her were not even conversations themselves, they were merely her speaking about the injustices the colonies faced and him simply listening.

However, even if he did speak to her, he could never love her. After all, it was solely her fault that Jonas’s only father, Cotton Marius Kincaide, was brutally murdered in Jonas’s presence. He still remembers the chilling last words held between his father and Reverend Carson Wells before his father hung on his own land.

Cotton Marius Kincaide! You have been fairly tried and have been found guilty of treason for your association with the Order of the King’s Guard and your participation in the hanging of Tom Riddler! Do you have any final words?           

            How have I been tried fairly? This be no court damnit, and you aren’t no judge! Nevertheless, if my time has come, I will say this. I’m innocent of all accusations that have been falsely cast against me and the Lord knows it. Jonas, my son, come here, let my eyes rest upon your face one last time…Jonas, my beloved, listen to my words and obey them. The Lord came to me in a vision last night, not only did He informed me of my doomed future, but He also told me about your future. Jonas, He told me that you will live and fight for justice—not justice for yourself, but justice for all people here in the colonies.

            Anytime he felt himself on the brink of falling in love with Clarity, Jonas would often bring back the memory of that frozen, starless night and how the girl he once loved betrayed him. She wasn’t even there, he thought, She only made up the information for social recognition.

            However, through that atrocious night, Jonas learned two major lessons about himself. The first was that he was born to bring justice and mercy to his people in the colonies. The second was that he had the power and wisdom of God on his side.

* * *

Part 2

“Listen and obey!”shouted Recruiting Sergeant Albus,”In two days General Washington will be arriving with his durable army and he will be looking for reinforcements, I recommend that you join the army because if you do, you will receive a reward of five hundred dollars per month and I know that’s more pay than most of you get” (Wright).

Jonas’s thick, black hair galloped in the brisk autumn wind as he leisurely went back to painting the broad, oak door of the Raleigh Tavern. This was the fifth call-to-arms by the recruiting sergeant in two days, and Jonas had patiently endured each lecture given. Although he could not bear to hear the bland speech by the sergeant, Jonas had no choice but to listen because the sergeant preached in the town square and Jonas worked directly across the street.

Because of his father’s death, Jonas had no source of income, but—gratefully—Jonas’s half-brother, Abner, gave him a job at the tavern.

Unlike Jonas, Abner was covered in layers of muscle and had stubble, brick-red hair. He had a watermelon-shaped face and always carried a large hatchet at his side. He was only older than Jonas by two years, but somehow his nineteen-year-old body allowed himself to appear twenty years older than his younger brother.

Abner obtained the Raleigh Tavern through a bet on a duel when he was eighteen years of age and only in one year transformed the tavern from a drunken brothel to a respectable place of  comfort. There, out of mercy for his fragile brother, Abner gave Jonas the title as Handy Man of the Tavern.

To his surprise, Jonas actually enjoyed his work at the tavern. Because he was the handyman, he would see all sorts of travelers who would come by for a large glass of gin and a peaceful night’s rest. Many of the travelers who visited were refugees fleeing the ongoing battles in Richmond and Trenton and were more than willing to share their stories of war, some of which would repulse young Jonas from cheering for the king’s side.

Of course there was another plus to working for Abner at the tavern. The tavern sat next door to the Williamsburg Candle Store, and the girl who made the wax creations was none other than the beautiful Clarity Barnet. Every day, during his lunch break, Jonas would eat his glazed pork outside the window of the candle store, hoping he would see the pleasant maiden without her knowing about his presence. Although Jonas did not know it, Clarity always knew he was watching and, because of her love for attention, she would give him a private show of dramatically dipping the candles in and out of the massive wax jars.

* * *

Part 3

It was two days since the sergeant last gave his speech, and the entire city of Williamsburg seemed to be asleep when a short, corpulent minuteman named Godfrey Row waddled into the city firing his musket and shouting,”He’s here! He’s here! General Washington and his army are here!”

“Can it really be true?” Jonas exclaimed, “Is General Washington actually coming?”

“It is true, Brother, the general needs men, and Williamsburg is full of ’em. And, Brother, I meant to tell you this earlier, but you’re going to have to keep the tavern running—I’m joining the army.”

“Abner! Don’t go! You’re the only family I have left! Don’t make me suffer by being alone! I’ll—I’ll go with you! I’ll join the army too!”

“And who will watch the tavern? Miss Clarity Barnet? No, you will stay.”

“Franklin Pokman can run the tavern; he practically runs it already! Please let me live and fight for justice!”

“So ya still believe in your dead father’s prophecy. Fine, let’s go out to meet the General—here he comes!”

* * *

Part 4

“Two weeks ago, you joined my army as boys, today, you complete my army as men! Tonight, we march to Yorktown. Reliable agents have informed me that General Cornwallis and his army have taken refuge in that town. Gentlemen, victory is at our doorstep—To Yorktown!” (Kennedy).

The inspiring words of General Washington kept ringing in the eager ears of Jonas. In two short weeks, Jonas had mastered the art of the musket, perfected the precision of the bayonet, and accomplished the accuracy of the pistol. There, he and Abner both established themselves as valuable assets to the army. Soon, he would put his brief training experience to the test, for Yorktown awaited his arrival.

Yorktown was only a few short miles away from Williamsburg, but the crammed march to the small town made it appear to be forty more miles than expected. Although the march itself was tiring, Jonas was in high morale because just before leaving to Yorktown, a humble, young servant girl, Virginia Fawn, got assigned to Jonas’s company as a “tent aide” to Captain Potter Malfoy.

The key feature that stood out to Jonas (like the other girl he fell for) was Virginia’s hair, but unlike the other girl, Virginia had gorgeous, golden lockets. Compared to Jonas, she was hardly smaller than him and her skin, similar to Jonas’s bronze skin, managed to seize the golden rays of the Virginian sun. Unlike the girl he once loved, Virginia contained a genuine nature and did not crave attention. In fact, Clarity Barnet appeared to be like a faded lilac compared to the blossoming rose of Virginia. When he immersed himself with Virginia, Jonas forgot all about the faded lilac that symbolically killed him everyday for the past twelve years.

* * *



Part 5

“Tomorrow, we shall attack the small patch of tents on the outskirts of the city. Once we secure that area, Yorktown shall pleasantly fall into our hands.”

Captain Potter Malfoy’s orders appeared plain to Jonas. It can’t be that simple for Yorktown to fall, he thought, surely the town would be more secure. For some divine reason, Jonas believed the plan to take Yorktown contained numerous flaws, but, like a well-trained soldier, he accepted the plan reluctantly.

Knowing that the next day he may give his body as a sacrifice for his fellow countrymen, Jonas spent the rest of the night in the presence of Virginia Fawn. Only six weeks before, Jonas met Virginia, but in those six weeks, the two found themselves deeply in love with each other. The attraction they contained for each other was far greater than any love that existed at the time. They both knew they found their soul mate and because of Jonas’s potential fall in the morning, they decided to marry that night.

There was no elegant service that night for the couple. The only people present at the binding of the two hearts were Reverend Sirius Black, Abner Kincaide, and Captain Potter Malfoy. Despite not having an ideal ceremony, the two beings happily left the reverend’s tent as one body.

Part 6

The night swiftly passed by and soon, dawn came. Jonas arose from his small, but occupied tent and joined his half-brother in the battle lines.

“Remember your training, men,” Captain Malfoy exclaimed “Today, we live and fight to bring justice to all those who have trespassed against the colonies.”

And with his wonderous words of encouragement, Captain Malfoy lead his band of townspeople into the Battle of Yorktown.

* * *

Part 7

Eight years had passed since the end of the war and victory at Yorktown. A widow of eight years was sitting what appeared to be alone in the corner of the Raleigh Tavern when a strong, dark haired, blue eyed boy crept up to her.

“Mama, tell me more about father. Was he really the savior of Yorktown?”

“Yes, my son,” Virginia whispered “He lived, he fought, and he died for justice.”


Works Cited

Kennedy, Frances. The American Revolution: A Historical Guidebook. Oxford University Press,               2013. Print.

Wright, Robert. Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution. University Press of the Pacific, 1987.                      Print.


Cowley, Robert. Siege of Yorktown., 2009. Web. 27 March 2017.

Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Siege of Yorktown., 20 May 2013. Web. 27              March 2017.

George Washington in Williamsburg., 2015. Web. 5 April 2017.