Senioritis: the struggle is real


Abby Hansen, writer

Senioritis is a plague striking upperclassmen,” explains Senior Julien Magloire. “The only solution is reducing homework, increasing amounts of dress-down days, and allowing students naptimes.”

Senioritis: the high school phenomenon that causes students to look longingly at the door, wishing to be done with school. It causes some people to lose motivation, but instills impatience in others.

Some people claim to have had it since their freshmen year, while others don’t feel its effects until their last month of high school.

Although this is only February and school remains in session until May, many of this year’s seniors have felt the force of Senioritis hit after attending a class meeting about class trip.

Senioritis is rough,” groans Wyndham Reams, “It hit me junior year when I was taking a senior class.”

We’ve been in high school for so long, we’ve been with the same people forever,” says Alexa Birch. “We look in the past and see what we’ve done, then we look in the future and just want to be done because we have so much left to do.”

Mrs. Foster has seen several classes of seniors come and go. “I have learned that trying to teach the last two months is very difficult because the students are so checked out,” she notes, “They’re over it. They’re over the rituals of high school. They still care about everybody here, but it’s so ‘been there, done that.’”

Daniel Tanksley believes that “senioritis is all in your head and it’s only real to those who want it.”

Mr. Djernes agrees with him. “Senioritis is a superstition,” he says. Djernes also believes that the term “graditis” should catch on as a way to refer to students ready to be done with high school and move on to college.

McKenzie Covrig is among those Djernes would classify as suffering from “graditis.” “Even though I’m nervous about starting college, I’m excited to be done with high school,” she says.

I think there’s just something about when you become a senior,” says Kara Kaminski, “You don’t feel like you belong in high school anymore.”