
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Julien Magloire, writer

At the end of October, both CAYA boys’ soccer teams went to the National Association of Christian Athletes (NACA) tournament in Dayton, Tenn. Both teams were expected to play one to two games per day.

The first day was disappointing for both teams as they lost both of their games.

“I’m not going to lie, I was pretty mad that we lost both games. The teams were good, but I know we could’ve won at least one of the games,” Varsity Captain Chad Nash said.

The teams began to encourage each other, hungry for a win, and they got it. Team A didn’t lose another game and went on to get first place, while Team B finished in third overall.

“It was Julien’s hype session that gave us the win,” Sophomore Dawson Buttram said.

In the end, “Both teams started putting their all into the game, and put in 100 percent,” Coach Nelson said.

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Processed with VSCO with b5 preset
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Processed with VSCO with m3 preset