Students give thoughts about banquet theme


Madison Reinschmidt, writer

What is your opinion of the banquet theme?

Katie Scott, sophomore: “I like it, I feel like it will be better than last year. I think it will be a lot of fun.”

Daniel Kuhlman, freshman: “Since it’s my freshman year, I haven’t had any experience going to a banquet so I don’t think I have an opinion on whether or not I like it. But I’m excited to go.”

Rachel Nall, junior: “I think it’s really cute and classy, and I like the fact that we can wear whatever color we want. Though, it’s a really vague theme and fairly simple.”


What excites you most about banquet?

Hannah Moody, sophomore: “Getting dressed up and seeing everyone in their formal attire.”

Camden Griggs, sophomore: “I love seeing the different ways people ask each other and I love coming up with creative ways to ask.”


How did S.A. get the idea for the Starry Night Gala?

Jamie Henderson, S.A. parliamentarian: “We threw around several ideas for weeks and nothing seemed to click, but one afternoon we got the idea for a gala– just a fancy evening with great food and elegant friends! As for Starry Night, we researched many different themes before we came across pictures of some really gorgeous centerpieces (and of course Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ masterpiece) and everything just fell into place!”


The 2016 S.A. Banquet is the Starry Night Gala, located at the Mill of Chattanooga on October 30, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Guests may wear formal attire of any color.