Mr. Baldwin visits China to interview potential students


Melanie Marino, writer

This week, October 24-28, CA’s principal, Mr. Baldwin, will be traveling across the world to China to interview some of the Chinese students that are interested in coming to school at CA.

In past years, Baldwin has Skyped with the students to interview them, explain some of the details about CA, and to evaluate their language skills.

Although Skyping potential students works fairly well, the only way to ensure the validity of the interview is to talk in person.

“I want to be able to talk to them face to face and help them understand that they are coming to a Christian school, since we have a certain value system,” Baldwin said.

Mr. Baldwin is taking with him a video made by the exchange students that currently attend CA. The video explains the challenges coming to America, what it’s like being at an Adventist school, and any suggestions they have for students interested in coming here. Going to another country with another language is extremely tough, and the video will give potential students advice on what to expect.

“It takes a lot of courage for them to decide to come here,” Baldwin said. “That being said, let’s try to help them feel welcome when they arrive.”