Echolier Eats: Du Bon Pain (Ms. Macias’ recipe!)


Mia Ford, writer

Je suis le pain de vie ~ Jésus

Ingredients (metric measurements in parentheses):

1 t. salt

1 T. brown sugar

Add 3 t. dry yeast (regular—not bread machine yeast)

1/2 c. (heaping) oats (or other rolled grains) (50 grams)

1/2  c. white flour (70 grams)

3 1/4 c. whole wheat flour (430 grams)*

1-2 T olive oil (10 grams)

1 ½ c. warm water      (350-360 grams or ml)


Knead for 15 minutes (minimum) (I let my bread machine do this part)

Let rise for about 45 min.

Form into 2 loaves and put in loaf pans and place in oven.

Set timer (if you’ve got one) so oven starts in 45 min. at 350o (do not preheat)

Cook for 30 min.

Turn oven off and leave bread in for 5 more minutes

Take bread out of oven and out of the pans, and put loaves on rack to cool, covered (or wrapped) with a clean dishcloth.


Bon appétit!

Herb Bread 

  1. Strip and cut up about 3-4 sprigs of ROSEMARY and mix with dough.


  1. Strip and cut up a bouquet of fresh BASIL and mix with dough.
