10 activities to experience before autumn


Abby Hansen, writer

Though school has been in session for nearly one month, summer still reigns until September 22. Make the most of these last days of sunshine with these ten activities:

  1. Get in the water. If you have a boat, pool, or access to water, take advantage of them one last time before the weather turns too chilly.
  2. Have a water fight. Gather water guns, balloons, and hoses to launch a campaign against your friends and family.
  3. Take a hike. Southern’s Biology Trail or the Riverwalk are great places to experience the outdoors.
  4. Go on a picnic. Pack some sandwiches and find a beautiful spot in nature to enjoy.
  5. Play outside. Summer is the prime season for outdoor sports such as volleyball, tennis, and badminton.
  6. Make popsicles. Pour juice and fruit into a paper cup, poke a popsicle stick in the middle, and let sit in your freezer overnight for the perfect cool-down treat.
  7. Enjoy what nature has to offer. Summer fruits and flowers won’t be around for much longer, so enjoy them while you can.
  8. Soak up the sun. Find a warm spot and grab a book or take a nap.
  9. Relive your childhood. Sidewalk chalk and bubble wands never truly get old and are best enjoyed in summer.
  10. Get caught in the rain. Summer rainstorms have a special quality to them and are perfect for dancing in.