What sets religion teachers apart from other teachers?


Devin Vaudreuil, writer

You may not realize it, but your religion teachers, Mrs. Foster and Miss Cummings (soon to be Mrs. Dupper), have restrictions and limitations while some other teachers do not. I asked these religion teachers if they feel restricted in what they are supposed to cover in their curriculums and if there are topics they wish they could cover instead.

Foster said that she hardly feels restricted because Principal Brent Baldwin pretty much gives free reign on what must be covered, just as long as “they meet Jesus in your class.”

Cummings and Foster alike would love to have more time for outreach and one-on-one time with the students. Foster would like to be able to spend more time in Daniel and Revelation, as well as other books that aren’t ever covered such as Paul’s letter or some of the Old Testament.

While there isn’t pressure on the material covered, Cummings does feel pressure as a religion teacher to be more lenient toward misbehaving students than other teachers would, and she sometimes doesn’t know how deep to go on certain subjects.

One shocking piece of information that I learned is that all teachers are directed and taught not to befriend students. For me, that’s what has made the best teachers – the ones who step down to a personal level and genuinely get to know you, but teachers are supposed to maintain a level of professionalism over friendship because “the students wouldn’t respect the teachers, or discipline,” Cummings says.

However, don’t we tend to respect our friends more than adults who distance themselves?