Happy Little Life: Pick up a paintbrush


February can seem long and stressful for high schoolers because there are no breaks, and everyone is anticipating Spring Break next month.

When life becomes overwhelming, finding a happy escape is important.

When I get stressed or overwhelmed, I find relief in taking just an hour or two to bury my thoughts and energy into a hobby. For me, that hobby is painting.

I started painting a couple of months ago, and I had no idea that I would enjoy it so much or be pretty decent at it. When I turn on my favorite music, pull out my paint, and begin marking on a fresh canvas, it’s like I’m stepping into an entirely different world—my own world. My deepest thoughts and feelings come to life in a way that can’t be expressed through words or actions.

When school or work becomes too much to handle, I step into my own little space, and for a little while I feel safe and free.
