Top 5 books to read by the end of 2016


Devin Vaudreuil, writer


  1. The Drift House, and Drift House: The Lost Voyages By Dale Peck

These are two of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s really hard to describe the plot without spoiling some of it, but these two books together create such an intricate web of a plot that it transports you into the book and story and leaves you speechless with all of the tiniest details and huge plot twists. Even the last sentence of the last book is a plot twist. 7 of 5 stars.

  1. Last of a Breed By Louis L’Amour

This book—written by a western author but not western at all—tells the story of a descendant of Native Americans who is shot down over Siberia while flying a test plane for the U.S. Air Force. He escapes from one of the worst Russian prison camps and has to make it out of Russia either by crossing the Bering Strait, as the earliest humans did when they traveled to America, or by crossing the Himalayas into China. Not only that, but he is being tracked and hunted by a Siberian Native, the most feared tracker in all of Russia. It pits American Native with all the skills of his ancestors against a Siberian Native who lives and breathes the snowy wasteland. 5 of 5 stars.

  1. Pellucidar (and the rest of the series) By Edgar Rice Burroughs

This book, by the author of Tarzan, is a story of the center of the earth, which is both hollow and inhabited by a stone age civilization of humans who are enslaved by winged-lizard type creatures. The protagonist helps free the humans and in turn begins to build a civilization. He returns to the surface to bring back technology such as guns and even airships. But how will this affect the balance of Pellucidar? 5 of 5 stars

  1. The Rule of Three By Eric Walters

This book, which happens to be in the CA Library, focuses on the small rural communities after a worldwide power failure fries everything from refrigerators to newer cars that use computers. I really like this book because it’s more relatable, as most of us live in neighborhoods, if something like that were to actually happen. I definitely recommend these books to anyone who likes post-apocalyptical struggles, and action-packed adventures. 5 of 5 stars

  1. Rook By Sharon Cameron

Imagine The Scarlet Pimpernel, but a thousand years in the future, and in a dystopian France. Where ancient artifacts are items such as CD’s and GameCube controllers and coins with the year 2024 on them. If you loved The Scarlet Pimpernel, this book will definitely hold your attention, and even if you didn’t, it’s written in modern English, and equally appealing to everyone. 4 of 5 stars (I haven’t finished it, so possibly 5 of 5 stars depending on the end of the book).