Snow strikes Collegedale

Seniors Mia Spicer and Sarah Abouelfatouh enjoy the rare snow.

Around 9:30 in the morning—while CA’s students were nestled in class—the first snow of the year began to fall on the 28th day of January.  The snow caused an almost instant buzz of excitement throughout the school.
Principal Baldwin has just announced that school will be letting out at 11:00 a.m.—much to the enjoyment of students.
Though there have been many frigid days since 2014 began, snow has been non-existent. According to, snow fall is expected to continue most of the day; ending around 4 p.m. Snow is not projected for tomorrow, but the high is only 32 degrees.
There has been no decision as to whether school will be closed tomorrow.  However, the snow is unlikely to melt much between today and tomorrow.