Student Voice: What are Your Plans for Thanksgiving Break?
When some of the Echolier staff members asked their classmates about their plans for Thanksgiving, the common theme in the responses they received is time with family. Read on to discover how your friends and classmates plan on spending their week of Thanksgiving break:
Caitrin Henkel: “I’m going to visit some of my family.”
Olivia Londis: “I am going to Florida to see my mom’s brother’s family, and my grandma will be there. We go there every Thanksgiving.”
Jackie Ruth: “I plan on reading as many books as I can, chilling at home, and hanging out with my friends.”
Deborah Monteiro: “I’m going to Florida. We have family there.”
Ryan Byford: “I’ll mostly just stay at home and enjoy the time off school.”
Claire Salyers: “I plan on having a big meal with lots of family and friends, and then Black Friday shopping!”
Kaylan Hartman: “I’m going to go visit family.”
Andrew Suekert: “I’m sticking around here, going to try and catch up on some sleep, work on my car a bit, and help my family finish up part of our basement. And hang with some compadres! And enjoy a restful week with family and friends, eating well, stuff like that.”
Redmond Bandy: “I’m going to St. Louis to see family.”
Andrea Sanchez: “Well I’m going to be staying home just resting and hanging out with some friends. Then, my family is going to eat a whole lot on Thanksgiving day and just hang out.”
Lincoln Peixoto: “My cousin is coming over, and we’re going to play basketball, watch football, and go paint balling.”
Kelsey Wilson: “I’m going to Ohio to visit my Aunt.”
Ian Santore: “I’m going to New York, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and going black friday shopping.”