10 Things Students Don’t Know About Their Teachers: Mr. Galera

Rileigh Juba, Writer

  1. He was born in Hisndale, Illinois, but his favorite place to live is Jacksonville, Wyoming.
  2. His hidden talents include tumbling (yes, as in gymnastics) and break dancing!
  3. His favorite adventures have been snowboarding and motorcycle riding.
  4. Though he’s not fluent, Mr. Galera speaks Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, Italian, German, French, Spanish. He learned these languages from traveling and from his studies in music.
  5. He has traveled to Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Zimbabwe, China, South Korea, Philippines, Zambia, Mozambique and has traveled all over Europe.
  6. His favorite musical production is Turandot by Giocomo Puccini. He considers Puccini to be the greatest melodic composer.
  7. His life motto is “Practice, practice, practice!”
  8. His biggest pet peeve is not being able to practice.
  9. His greatest achievements are the four musical dramas/operas he’s written.
  10. His advice for those who look up to him is, “Trust in the Lord in the good and the bad.”