10 Things Students Don’t Know About Their Teachers: Mr. Galera
September 17, 2019
- He was born in Hisndale, Illinois, but his favorite place to live is Jacksonville, Wyoming.
- His hidden talents include tumbling (yes, as in gymnastics) and break dancing!
- His favorite adventures have been snowboarding and motorcycle riding.
- Though he’s not fluent, Mr. Galera speaks Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, Italian, German, French, Spanish. He learned these languages from traveling and from his studies in music.
- He has traveled to Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Zimbabwe, China, South Korea, Philippines, Zambia, Mozambique and has traveled all over Europe.
- His favorite musical production is Turandot by Giocomo Puccini. He considers Puccini to be the greatest melodic composer.
- His life motto is “Practice, practice, practice!”
- His biggest pet peeve is not being able to practice.
- His greatest achievements are the four musical dramas/operas he’s written.
- His advice for those who look up to him is, “Trust in the Lord in the good and the bad.”