Holland to Scribner

Katie Hallock

Beloved English teacher Mrs. Holland officially left CA to stay home with her baby, Piers, who was born over Spring Break, in March. While her absence is lamented by many of her former students, her replacement, Mrs. Scribner, is excelling at taking the temporary position. She’s using a mastery-based approach to teaching; her mantra is teaching students to think beyond the classroom walls.

She is enthusiastic and positive; she never puts down or discourages different opinions. She respects freely thinking people who contemplate issues by using critical thinking skills. For example, her vocabulary quizzes require students to know the different forms of the words and to be able to use the words in real-world conversations. In this way students move from the knowledge and comprehension of words to application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of words.

Scribner incorporates a God-centered learning environment. She recognizes that God is the key component of learning and she prioritizes worship (she does one before every single class). Students entering her class will be challenged to think critically, just as CA’s Mission Statement declares.