On Psalm 119 (In need of you)

Seth Courtad, writer

I am flawed, but I will try to live my life with integrity

So that I may be joyful and experience the prosperity

That you give to those who follow Your commands,

Obey Your laws, and put their future in Your hands.


I’ve searched for answers in this naive mind of mine

And I can’t believe that it’s taken me all this time

To realize the solution was in front of me on an old nightstand,

Covered in dust and seldom used.


“How can a young person stay pure?” I asked —

That book I’d left behind could solve such a daunting task.


But now I ask You of something else —

Be good to me, oh Lord, that I may obey You.

Show me Your wisdom and truth

That I may better live by Your commands.


Help me understand their meaning,

God show me, please, that you are intervening

In my life.


Teach me, I beg You, and I will inscribe it all upon my heart.

Turn my eyes from the evils of this world — make me Your work of art

And I will follow Your law eagerly each and every day

That I may abandon my sinful habits and keep them at bay.


Lord, show me the power of Your unconditional love

And I will claim Your promise of salvation

For not even once were you ever neglectful of

Your children, who seek safety from damnation.


Your word is beautiful and a guide to my path,

And as I take a step back and observe the aftermath

Of all our sin, hatred, and mistakes,

I realize I have to follow your commands

Not because you force me

But because everyone on this earth

is desperately in need of help — 

And me? I am in need of You.