What is a book’s purpose?

Katie Hallock, writer

Books have stood the test of time. If there is one thing that unites societies throughout history, it is written language.

Humanity has used written language to convey ideas and feelings that would otherwise remain unexpressed. Authors chronicle history and attempt to preserve truth through writing books.

Words are magic that hold power, and if combined correctly, can invoke change in people’s lives. They can change the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. This is why we write books—why they exist and continue to be created.  The purpose of a book can be something different for each individual.

 A few students say what books mean to them:

“Books are people’s imagination on paper for others to enjoy.” – Melanie Marino, junior

“There is information I have learned from reading books that I would not have [learned] in a classroom.” – Hannah Moody, junior

“Books are a way for me to expand my knowledge of the world, as well as my creativity. They’re very comforting.” – Rachel Nall, senior

“I love reading books because they make it possible to live in a world that I could only dream to live in.” – Makayla De Wind, sophomore