50 free ideas for Spring Break at home

Leanne Eckhart, writer


1.      Play board games with your siblings

2.      Try out weird recipes from Pinterest

3.      Run around a sprinkler outside

4.      Color

5.      Sleep

6.      Read that book that you never have time for

7.      Go for a run

8.      Log into your old Webkinz/Club Penguin account (it’s shutting down on March 27)

9.      Wash your dog

10.   Eat ice cream

11.   Wash your car

12.   Try Pinterest DIY crafts

13.   Clean your room

14.   Look through old photo albums

15.   Organize your closet by color

16.   Switch your winter clothes out with spring clothes

17.   Make a cake

18.   Take artsy photos of an unusual object

19.   Go swimming

20.   Create a blanket fort

21.   Make a puzzle

22.   Make paper snowflakes

23.   Discover new music

24.   Have a dance party

25.   Play wii

26.   Read the Bible

27.   Fast from your phone

28.   Make family dinner

29.   Sharpen all your pencils

30.   Ride your bike

31.   Climb a tree

32.   Write a poem

33.   Call your grandparents

34.   Make a stick fort

35.   Watch cat videos

36.   Take a bath

37.   Watch ‘Friends’ on Netflix

38.   Make a memory wall

39.   Paint a picture

40.   Make a flower crown

41.   Do a crossword puzzle

42.   Read the newspaper

43.   Start a journal

44.   Make slime

45.   Learn how to make origami

46.   Watch inspirational videos on YouTube

47.   Mow the lawn

48.   Stare at clouds

49.   Give someone a makeover

50.   Make a face mask