How to: Daily Dose of Vitamin D

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Leanne Eckhart, writer

Along with the new school year come several side effects: homework, quizzes, and tests.

In an attempt to stay afloat, the out-of-doors gets pushed to the bottom; however, being outside can actually make your school journey more successful.

Time spent outside relieves eyes from electronic screens, sends oxygen-rich blood to the brain, and de-stresses the weary student.

Ways to get outside

  1. Take advantage of the nice weather and eat outside at the picnic tables.
  2. For improved focus, grab a chair and do your homework outside without distractions.
  3. Do a short exercise, anything from a short run to a couple jumping jacks is sufficient. Memorization will come easier and your body will thank you.
  4. Play with your pets; throw Fido a ball or take him for a walk. This is a serious mood booster and makes for an extremely happy pup.
  5. If you have a little extra time, outdoor sports provide a wonderful outlet for healthy fun. Whether on CAYA or at home with your siblings, sports are great way to relieve stress, bond with friends and family, and enjoy God’s wonderful creation.