10 things students don’t know about their teachers: Grant Graves

Morgan Nash, writer

Mr. Graves . . .

1. Enjoys long walks on the beach at sunrise.

2. Swam with whale sharks, hammerhead sharks, reef sharks, sand tiger sharks, manta rays, octopus, and dolphins.
3. Has been skydiving, bungee jumping, and swam across the Tennessee River.
4. Helped deliver his baby girl at home.
5. Had the highest World History grade at the end of his sophomore year at GCA.
6. Has listened to all of the books of the Conflict of the Ages this semester.  (He has 8 chapters to go on The Great Controversy, so he’ll  be done before the end of this month.)
9. Moved to the country so his daughter  Libby can have a big yard, a garden, and many adventures outdoors.
10. Believes Jesus is coming back soon, and it’s changing his life. Ask him about it!