CA students and teachers say Dylan Ford deserves Billy McKee Scholarship

Morgan Nash, writer

In January, CA Board Member Rick Stern came to a morning chapel and passed out slips of paper to CA students, asking them to write a name of a student worthy of the Billy McKee Scholarship— an annual award and scholarship given to a student who is hardworking, loving, and shines the light of Jesus.

On March 14, the award was given to Sophomore Dylan Ford. Here’s why:

“He always manages to put in a nice word, or at least a hello and a smile. He’s the type of person that won’t forget about anyone in a room.” – Ben Mocnik, sophomore

“Dylan is one of the most genuine people I know. He is responsible and kind, and he always tries to put a smile on someone’s face if he sees that they’re upset. He makes an effort to be helpful in whatever situation he’s put into, and he never brags about his accomplishments. He’s a great friend.” – Jamie Henderson, sophomore

“He is always willing to help out whenever needed even if he’s the last guy there. He treats everyone with respect and is a super sweet guy. ” – Hannah Falcon, sophomore

“Dylan can always make someone smile because he adds humor to everything. As my gymnastics base he is very trustworthy and would never let anyone down. He makes everyone feel welcome at CA and always has a positive attitude toward everything.” – Delaney Malin, freshman

“He’s willing to help anybody and everybody even if he is tired. He’s a man!” – Chad Nash, junior.

“One day for a worship I spoke about Acts chapter 4, where Peter and John have just healed a crippled man. The text says that the priests looked at Peter and John and ‘they could tell that these men had been with Jesus.’ Then I asked the class, who is it at Collegedale Academy who you can tell has been with Jesus? I kid you not, I had 6 classes that day, and in every single one, someone raised their hand and said ‘Dylan Ford.’ Dylan is a student that we all can ‘tell has been with Jesus’. “- Miss Cummings, religion teacher