“In this world you will have trouble . . .”

Morgan Nash, writer

There is pain in this world—lots of it. This is because we live in an imperfect world filled with sin. Seeing us in pain hurts our heavenly Father badly but doesn’t prevent Him from being there for us.

God doesn’t promise a pain-free life but He does promise to be there for us every step of the way.

In Isaiah 43:2, Jesus affirms us by saying that even when we go through deep waters, He will be with us.

When life gets overwhelming, or sadness takes over, we should turn to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for strength. Through Him, we can take on any battle and get through any challenge.

Sure, the journey won’t always be easy, and the problems won’t always go away, but through Him, we are filled with the assurance and peace that everything will turn out according to His perfect plan for our lives.

“ . . . In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).